Selected Publications
Carrillo, J. and Mendez, J. (forthcoming). The Block: Spatial Justice, Pedagogies, and Latino Urbanism. In Spatial Justice in Urban Studies and Planning Education.
Carrillo, J. and Mendez, J. (forthcoming). The Borderlands of “Home”: Humanizing and decolonizing “work” in the U.S. University. In re-humanizing international education in the borderlands
Mendez, J. and Hill-Rorie, J. (2016). Latina/os and the Academe/Stress, Anxiety, and Depression/How does the lack of diversity and inclusion among Latina/o faculty and students effect mental health? In K. Lomotey, P. Ruf, P. Jackson, V. Copeland, A. Huerta, N. Iglesias-Prieto, and D. Brown (Eds.) Contemporary Issues for People of Color, Vol. 4: Health and Wellness. Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood Press, Inc.
Mendez, J and Sanchez, M. (2016). “We like hearing your stories about Lah-tee-nohs, but when are you going to talk about us?” Disrupting the reproduction of whiteness through social and cultural foundations of education. In Josh Diem (Ed.) The Social and Cultural Foundations of Education: A reader for the 21st century. San Diego, California: Cognella Academic Publishing.
Mendez, J. and Vega, S. (2016). “Basta Ya!” “Enough!” Pa’lante. The struggle continues: A lesson on Latinidad, activism, and the academy. In Virginia Stead (Ed.) RIP Jim Crow: Fighting Racism through Higher Education Policy, Curriculum, and Cultural Interventions. New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishing.
Mendez, Jason. (2014). “‘Revisiting Sordid Fantasies’: Employing Detournement in the classroom.” in Jim Trier (ed.) Detournement as Pedagogical Praxis. Boston, MA: Sense Publishers
Mendez, Jason. (2014). “Raising the Point!: An Artistic Approach in Supporting A Community’s Call to Action,” International Journal of Education and the Arts.